(Continuation from Part 3
So here is where my story offically ends. These past three months have been an emotional strain for me, but somehow, with the help of all my wonderful friends who have been there for me during this trying time, I have managed to pull through it. I really couldn't have done it without them.....
As for Bob, I believe he has finally gotten the message, after I sent him that last email, although that has not stopped him from trying at least once a week to try and get me to respond to him. His latest attempt was to get himself involved in a “get rich quick” scam, and wanted my advice AFTER he had gone ahead and signed the deal. Part of me wanted to warn him of the scam – the other part of me knew that even if his getting involved in such a scam were true, just to get my attention again, he deserves everything he gets. So I decided not to respond.
You are probably wondering what had happened to JJ, and whether or not I did end up apologizing to him in the end. As a matter of fact, I did. I sent him a private message, telling him only a small portion of my story, and asked if he could forgive me for doing what I had done to him. I figured after all this time that JJ's emails were merely a reaction to what Bob had done personally to him, but because JJ had chosen to react the way he did, he displayed those characteristics that one really would associate with a cyber bully.
He wrote me back this really wonderful email. Part of it reads:
“Don`t worry about the (Bob) clown and the other business, all that matters is that he has exposed his true colours to you. It would seem he manipulated you to his advantage and misrepresented me to you prior to coming unstuck...”
I was glad I was able to patch things up with him.
Bob, I know, is still around. I know that he has probably given up on me, but I have the feeling he won't stop at trying doing to others what he did to me, which is why I am telling you my story. I guess one important lesson to learn from all of this is to always be careful with who you associate/make friends with online, and learn how to best protect yourself from online predators....
(To read the entire story from the beginning, please click here.
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