Image taken from www.globalchange.umich.edu
Continuing my story from part 1, my dealings with Bob were far from over. After my confrontational email, Bob was only able to give me half-explanations for his answers, and consistently tried to point the finger at every other person who was possibly out to get him to try and ruin his reputation. He blamed his “twin” for hacking into his account, which the “twin” denied and said it was all Bob's doing. He also tried to blame previous Flickr users whose accounts had been deleted months ago, and even tried to blame JJ, trying to have me believe that JJ had hacked into his account and was causing trouble for him. None of it made sense, and when confronted with more questions, he just tried to avoid the subject by blaming other possible “suspects”.
In the meantime, Bob could not accept the fact that I would only be in touch with him via private email during this time, instead of on Flickr of Facebook. He created a new account and identity on Flickr and tried to tag me as a friend which, thankfully, due to another very good online friend of mine, pointed out to me his deceit, and I promptly blocked his new account. He tried another two times after that, and twice more his account was blocked by me. Three times he tried to re-add me as a friend on Facebook, which I ignored repeatedly. He did not like his, trying to make me feel guilty for blocking him by sending me the following emails:
"i am so sorry Ray ! Please keep friendship with me! You are my best friend! If you think I am wrong let me know every of my bad behaviours or wrong things and I will repent and change.
I promise you I will change and repent! Please !
is it because of flirck? Or (my twin)? What ever it is I know I am imperfect a I so value this friendship with you! You are really a good person and I do not want to lost good friend which is a very good person taht i get to know in my life.
Please! Please!
I am so sorry for everything !Are we still friend? What can I di to keep you back as my friend?
"raymond! I and (my twin) is under depression because you break the friendship with us.
I already said sorry for everything that you think I am wrong! Is there no frogiveness or chance? Or do you feel disgusted to have a sinner to be your friend?...
I have a friend from mormon church he lost his priesthood for his big mistake but repented. I am not sure for what kind of sin he had commited because he lost his priesthood when i was still an investigator in LDS church.
That time I noticed that he did not take his sacrement so from there i learned that he lost his priesthood.
He declined to tell me his wrong doing in the past that caused him in losing his priesthood he said he cried each night when he remember his wrong doing.
as his friend I told him that no one is perfect. and i do not mind of his past I will always be his friend even he sins and wrong as a friend i will always there for him.he has repented and he is so nice and kind.
So, why when i sin and fall you felt disgust and angry with me and shun on me? Please I am begging you please forgive me and maintain the friendship. ok?
I am begging you raymond!
I ended up writing back to him, urging him to respect my privacy and my wishes to ONLY be in contact with him via email, and through no other source of communication, until I had time to work things out:
“I ... noticed that "(new account name)" tagged me as a friend today. I checked out the profile and figured it was either you or (your twin) that is trying to get in touch with me again. Please respect my wishes at this time and ONLY send me normal emails, not Flickr emails. At least not until you can answer my question to you, and until (your twin) has answered all of the questions I have asked him. “
“Please understand that I want to be friends with both of you, but if the pair of you can't get along, then I cannot get involved in that. You two need to sort that part out on your own. As for now, I would prefer to keep the contact via email only with both of you. “
The Facebook requests stopped, but the new Flickr accounts didn't. I had to be very careful who I was accepting as a friend on that site. When Bob had realized that I was not giving in to his pleas and emotional manipulation, he decided to take things to the next level, sending me links to videos about animals preying on other animals. Somehow, I ended up keeping this email amongst my other correspondance with him, and I wish to share only a couple of them here, so that you have an idea of what kinds of videos he was sending me:
(Warning: the videos are slightly graphic, so only view if you feel you can).....
There was one particular video that was even worse, but I do not wish to share it here. It was a short film about a female bus driver who was robbed and beaten to death. All of these videos made me feel incredibly nervous, and sought help from one of my friends who, after reading all my correspondance and watching the videos, had drawn the similar conclusion to what I had drawn – that he was inadvertently threatening me to unblock him, OR ELSE. He wanted me to know that he was going to be the predator, and I was going to be his prey, and that this "hunt" would not stop until he got what he wanted.
My friend analyzed the situation as being dangerous for me, and gave me the warning to stay away from Bob and ignore any further emails from him. This I have tried to do to the present day, but this has still not been easy, as you will see in part 3.
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