Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Disturbing News Report
Image taken from
Tonight at work I watched a news report that was quite shocking. There was a boy at a Queensland primary school who was being bullied by another student. Instead of confronting the matter by going through the proper channels (talking to the teachers about it), he took matters into his own hands and confronted the bully with a knife at school! Teachers had to try and calm the boy down, and the whole school had what's called a "lock down", where all the students had to be evacuated into one area of the school until the police came and the boy was apprehended. Thankfully, nobody was hurt.
This is just another example of how damaging it is to let bullying get out of hand. Sure you need to be able to protect yourself from bullies, but there are better ways and means of doing it. There are programs designed to help and protect you from these sorts of people without having you to take matters into your own hands and do something stupid. If it weren't for the teachers and the police who got involved, this boy, who was a victim of schoolyard bullying, would have easily become a murderer.
Monday, April 20, 2009
American Teens Share their Experiences with Cyber Bullies
The following quotations are taken from the Cyber Bullying U.S. website. They are from real teenagers living in the U.S., sharing their feelings about what it feels like to be bullied. There are even quotations from teenagers who were bullies. They explain why they did it, and how they felt afterwards:
Firstly, from victims:
"Being bullied makes me feel really bad, and I often get depressed later at home. I would also plot revenge and privately express my 'hatred' towards the bully, but I doubt I would really do anything about it...I don't usually go to adults to 'tattle' on people, even though I know it's not tattling, it's real."
"Being bullied besides over the internet is worse. It's torment and hurts. They say "sticks and stones may break my bones,but words will never hurt me." That quote is a lie and I don't believe in it. Sticks and stones may cause nasty cuts and scars, but those cuts and scars will heal. Insultive words hurt and sometimes take forever to heal."
"However, I feel powerless to do anything because I am scared for my own safety."
"I still cry when I think of what she said. After awhile you start believing all of the things people tell you that aren't true. When I look in the mirror I wonder if I'm fat (I'm not) after what my ex-friend said."
"i was online in a chat room and this guy was sexually harassing me by saying stuff to me and wouldn't leave me alone. i had to exit the chat room and my email."
And from bullies:
"Well the only reason I bullied is because the same person I was doing it to, did it to me like a week before. It wasn't the right thing to do but at the time it felt like I was getting revenge"
"I had recently picked on a old friend of mine, for what I will not reveal because it was unusually cruel, however she had done something to me that was equally as wrong or if not worse. I was disappointed in her, and for that I decided not to be a friend any longer and spread her deepest secrets to everyone, which made her look like a complete fool. I felt somewhat guilty because I had known her for years, at the same time it was a pay back and I think she learned from it some when it comes to attempting to mess around with me. "
You can go and visit the Cyber Bullying U.S. website to read more:
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Think before you act...
Be careful with the words you use - you may never be able to take them back.
If what you write isn't what you would like to have written about you, don't write it.
If you spread what you would not like to have spread about you, don't spread it.
If you have nothing nice to say about another person, keep it to yourself and allow other people to develop their own opinions about that person, without your influence.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Steps to take when dealing with cyber bullying pt. 1
You would remember from Cyber Bullying in the Flickr World pt.2, how the man who had only told half of the story about my friend had sent me a threatening message that if I did not delete all mention of his name in the posts I had posted, that he would sue me for defamation. You would also remember that I read as much as I could about defamation law in Australia, and came to the conclusion that I not only had a strong defence in my case, but also under the definition of defamation law in Australia, he too had committed a defamation offence by bringing a personal email written from my friend to him into a public discussion group, with the intention of ruining his reputation.
Today I went to a police station and explained my story. They verified that the information I had researched is correct. They also explained to me that because cyber bullying and defamation laws differ from state to state, I would have to get in touch with the police in South Australia, where JJ lives, if I am to report him at all. Likewise, if JJ were to carry out out his threat to press charges against me, he would have to contact the police in Queensland where I live. Either way, it is a very messy job that could take months before a charge can finally be made, thus further confirming the possibility that JJ might not go ahead with it after all, as it is an expensive and lengthy process.
Going to your local authorities for help is one way to deal with the problem. They can explain to you how the laws of your country help protect you from cyber bullying, and what steps you can take to protect yourself.
As soon as you feel you are being targeted by a cyber bully, the best thing to do is to block him/her from your social network. NEVER respond back to an abusive email message received by a cyber bully. Unfortunately, my friend Bob decided to defend himself by responding back to JJ's and SS's emails. Originally, he was polite about it, but towards the end when JJ and SS would not quit, after being told twice by Bob not to send any more emails, Bob ended up sending them messages that were not as nice as he could have worded them. JJ used this as ammo to try and defame Bob in a social forum. NEVER give a cyber bully an excuse to use your words against you, which is why it is important to block the cyber bully straight away and NOT respond to their taunts.
What I have also found useful in my experience is keeping a "log book". Save and print out all correspondance you have received from the cyber bully. This can be used as evidence, should you wish to press charges against the person. Make sure all dates, times, and content are accurately recorded, so they can be presented at any time to police or in a court room. I was fortunate enough to save and print out all correspondance I had received from JJ, Bob, Bill, and all other parties who were involved, before JJ had deleted all of the evidence from Flickr. It will be especially useful for me if I have to defend myself on the grounds of sense of duty and justification, should JJ go ahead with suing me for defamation.
I hope to be able to research and provide more tips to help people out in the fight against cyber bullying.
23 July 2009 - I think it is only fair to add in now that no charges were laid. JJ never carried out his threat; he didn't need to...
About a week after I had started sharing my story online, a good friend of mine contacted me gave me some very good counsel on how to deal with the situation. He politely pointed out to me that what I was doing was also almost border-lining becoming a cyber-bully which, to be quite honest, wasn't far from the truth. I needed to re-evaluate the REAL purpose of why I have set up my anti-bullying forums: Was I really doing this to help others out, or was I just out for revenge? It certainly started to become an act of revenge, the way I was behaving.
He encouraged me to change the names on all the posts that I had created, and write a public "apology" to JJ. This is what I wrote:
"I have read much these past few days about cyber bullying and the different types of cyber bullying, and have given much thought to my actions. I have read that bullies come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Some bullies are bullies because they pick on people as a need for power. Others become bullies by protecting or defending others from cyber bullies. The Stop Cyber Bullying website has classified these bullies as “Vengeful Angels”. “Vengeful Angels” feel that by defending their friends by exposing the people who have picked on them and that these bullies “deserve” to be treated the same way they treat others is a justifiable action, and they do not see that what they are doing is another form of cyber bullying.
It took a good friend of mine to point out to me the harsh realization that I didn't want to admit to myself – that by doing what I did, I was in fact on the pathway to becoming one of the very kinds of people I had been trying to fight against. My actions had begun take on the form of a “Vengeful Angel”, and although I still feel that it was my duty to clear my friend's name, I really could have gone about it in a different way.
It is with this in mind that I wish to express my sincere regret to all those who I may have offended by my actions. I have no idea how I can best reconcile with all parties involved, but I know that writing this letter of apology is the first step for healing the wounds that have been caused by my actions.
There was another man effected by this event .He was the one whose actions were brought to light by my actions. I would ask that each of you find it in your heart to not judge him to harshly and give him the opportunities I am asking for myself... a second chance."
JJ wrote back to me (again, via my friend) and explained that he was impressed by my demonstration of integrity. He basically left it at that, and let the situation slide.
I will always be grateful to this kind friend who showed me what I had done wrong, how I could have handled the situation better, and how to fix the current situation I was in.
(Would you believe the story is not over yet? There is a twist to the tale, something else that happened a few weeks after the defamation threat was dropped. You can click here to continue reading...)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Cyber Bullying in the Flickr World pt. 3 - What makes a Cyber Bully
Today I wanted to research some of the characteristics of a cyber bully, in order to try and explain why I had labelled “our friend” as a cyber bully.
Most of the online articles I had found were aimed mainly at teenagers and parents of teenagers, in order to help families understand what cyber bullying is and how to prevent it. It would appear from what I researched that cyber bullying is happening more commonly amongst the young people; the case of my Flickr friend and his story of victimization appears to be only a very rare case of cyber bullying amongst adults. However, I feel that the same tactics that cyber bullies use, no matter what the age group, are the same.
First of all, I would like to provide the definition of what cyber bullying is, taken from the Australian “Bullying no way” website:
“Bullying is usually defined as any offensive or aggressive behaviour directed at another person, repeated over time. It may be physical, emotional or social.
Cyber bullying, as it has become known, includes text or images posted on personal websites or transmitted via email or cell phones....
...Sometimes cyber bullying happens as a result of a relationship break up. It can also be based on fear or prejudice. And sometimes, some young people just think it is a “fun game”.
What are some of the motivations behind cyber bullying?
Cyber bullies
“are often motivated by anger, revenge or frustration. Sometimes they do it for entertainment or because they are bored and have too much time on their hands and too many tech toys available to them. Many do it for laughs or to get a reaction. Some do it by accident, and either send a message to the wrong recipient or didn't think before they did something.”
(taken from
How is cyber bullying different from face-to-face or playground bullying?
“Because their motives differ, the solutions and responses to each type of cyberbullying incident has to differ too. Unfortunately, there is no "one size fits all" when cyberbullying is concerned. Only two of the types of cyberbullies have something in common with the traditional schoolyard bully. Experts who understand schoolyard bullying often misunderstand cyberbullying, thinking it is just another method of bullying. But the motives and the nature of cybercommunications, as well as the demographic and profile of a cyberbully differ from their offline counterpart.”
(taken from
The “Bullying No Way” website also verifies this, in that it explains that some of the cyber bullies are victims themselves of playground bullying; they use cyber bullying as a means of retalliation to what they have experienced.
The “Stop Cyber Bullying” website categorizes individual cyber bullies into four “types”: The “Vengeful Angel”, the “Power Hungry” (or “Revenge of the Nerds”), the “Mean Girls, and the “Inadvertent Cyber Bully” (or “Because I can”)
*The Vengeful Angel: Does not see himself/herself as a bully. Rather, they see themselves trying to right a wrong. Often will Vengeful Angel cases occur when one of the cyber bully's friends are being victimized by another cyber bully, and they write hateful things back about the other cyber bully, justifying to himself/herself that the other cyber bully “deserves” it.
*The Power Hungry (or “Revenge of the Nerds”): These are usually victims of playground bullying themselves, often females (or males who are not physically intimidating in build),who are not considered by their peers as “cool” or “popular”. They use cyber bullying as a means to try and embarrass or frighten their bigger, more socially acceptable peers.
*The Mean Girls: As the title suggests, almost all of the kinds of cyber bullies who fit into this category are female. They are classified as “the most immature of all cyberbullying types” (taken from They write mean stuff about other girls (and sometimes boys) in order to attract more attention to themselves and to uphold their so-called “self-esteem”. Usually, this type of cyber bullying dies when enough people choose to ignore their antics. They only keep writing if they keep getting the publicity.
*The Inadvertant Cyber Bully (or “Because I can”): These types of bullies, unlike the Power Hungry or “Revenge of the Nerds” kind, often write stuff to people without taking time to think about what they are writing first, or without reflecting on the possible consequences of their actions. They often abuse people in this manner in response to something they don't agree with online, or from an email or other form of communication sent to them.
I would also like to add from my friend's experience that sometimes the cyber bully will use reverse psychology on the victims to show that the nasty things written have been true, and that the bully is only pointing this out for the victim's own good. Our perpetrator and his accomplice, when they first attacked my friend's religion, pointed out to him his lack of ability to communicate effectively in English ,so as to be able to back up his reasons fairly why he was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was accused of getting the missionaries to write the answers to the questions they proposed to him, when the fact was he copied and pasted his answers from the official church website ( whenever he found it hard to express adequately his thoughts and feelings. They in turn used this in effect to communicate to my friend: “You see? You cannot tell me yourself why what you believe is true, and if you can't personally back up your claims, how can your church be true? It can't be, if you are unable to express yourself”.....
And in the case of JJ's threats to sue me for defamation: From my readings from this morning, it would seem that JJ, by his threat to sue me, is trying to paint me as the “vengeful angel”, because I am getting involved and writing “nasty” comments about him to ruin his reputation, because of what he had done to my friend. The reality is that what I had written was simply the truth, and that he himself is the “vengeful angel” by trying to justify his actions and defending himself against an “injustice”.
It is unfortunately sad to say that my friend who was victimized ended up becoming an “inadvertant cyber bully” towards the end, according to the definition given above. However, the perpetrator who drove him to this point had become a cyber bully long before my friend eventually stooped down to this level. In the course of approximately 8 months, my friend had to endure endless taunts and abuse from JJ, categorizing his actions (according to the “Bullying No Way” website) as an act of cyber bullying. His original motivations for bullying my friend was to “prove” to him that he was in the wrong religion, and made fun of his new found belief. When he got tired of that, he decided to make fun of his English and even his sexuality, just to get a reaction from my friend. This behaviour matches the description of the different motivations mentioned in the “Stop Cyber Bullying” website. And eventually, JJ. became a “Vengeful Angel”, in that he posted Bob's not-so nice retaliation in an attempt to make himself look like he was the “victim”, and that by posting this email was trying to correct the “injustice” that had befallen him. This, as well as many other evidences back up my theory that JJ. can be categorized as a cyber bully.
Other useful articles to help you understand cyber bullying:
( Click here to read the next section).
Cyber Bullying in the Fickr World pt. 2
It would seem that I had shaken up a few things in the Flickr World since I wrote my article on Cyber Bullying, and used the real life example of my friend who was cyber-bullied by a Flickr member.
It would appear that the person who I wrote the article on was not prepared to give in that easily. He had made himself become an Admin of the Christianity Discussion Group, deleted my post, closed off his own post so that nobody could protest, and sent a threatening message to me via my friend who was the victim of the bullying, that if I did not delete every single post I had made in all of the discussion groups I had made mention of his name, he was going to sue me for defamation:
"Your contact whom you got to weasel information out of me has messed up badly. By writing that article on various groups he has breached Australian Defamation Law. That is serious and has exposed himself to prosecution under Australian law.
You would be advised to tell him to either delete all posts or remove all reference to me as otherwise I will consider legal action against him as a private individual. Such action will be succesful as the breach is real. Also by placing multiple copies of the article on various groups he exposes himself to secondary charges.
His article is an actual, serious and provable breach of Law so to avoid costly legal and personal proceedings I would urge you to advise him to delete or amend all articles to remove both my name plus all reference to me at his earliest convenience. That may work in his favour to an extent.
He may also wish to obtain a second legal opinion which will only verify the stupidity of his foolish actions which were on your behalf. We all know that when such proceedings do eventuate that neither you or his religious organization will support him.
He has also breached the Yahoo TOS by using their forums to defame and I will refer that to my contacts at Yahoo for their information.
Bob, never get someone else to do your dirty work for you as he is the one who faces a high chance of legal proceedings. We detected virtually right from the start he was acting on your behalf and fed him "information" and "carrots" as stated previously." (11 April 2009)
Naturally, I was a bit worried about this, and read everything I could about the defamation laws in Australia. This is what I found out:
The Defamation laws of Australia define a defamation offence as an accusation or statement, either written or verbal, about a person, that would cause others to to either hate, despise or be treat that person badly. A defamation offence can be established if:
* The accusation was made to a third party
* Identifies the person by name or reference and
* Contains a clear defamatory statement.
According to this definition, I am liable and could be found guilty in a court of law, should this man decide to carry out his threat. However...
Defences against such a law suit can be the following:
* Fair Comment (if it is an expression of an honestly held opinion or a criticism on a subject matter of public interest)
* Truth/Justification
* You had a duty to provide information
Supposing this man were to carry out his threat against me, I would be able to defend myself on the grounds that what I wrote was the truth, and that I had a duty to warn other people of this man and his motivations, because if he can get away from doing it to one person, he could try and do it again to someone else, and I did not want anybody to suffer the same way my friend had suffered. Plus, with all of the information I had gathered, I could easily say that under the definition of the Australian Defamation laws, this man himself has committed offence, in that he publicly produced an email written by my friend to third party members, in the attempt of ruining his reputation...
...However, because the Australian Government is constantly revising Australian Defamation Law, especially with regarding online claims, if this man were to pursue this further, it could go either way for me. I could either be found in the clear, based on the evidence I would be presenting in my defence, or I would have to either pay a fine or serve time in jail. I understand that the laws of this country are not perfect, but if these laws are able to be twisted in such a way as to protect the very perpetrators that that these laws are crying out against, what point is there for having these laws to begin with?
In any event, I am prepared for whatever this man decides on doing, but should anything happen to me, just know that there are loop holes in the system that need to be fixed, that the fight against cyber bullying is real and that it in order to combat and successfully defeat cyber bullying, we MUST be able to do this collectively, not individually. It must be confronted head-on in a group effort....
( Click here to read part 3)
Cyber Bulling in the Fickr World pt. 1
(The following names have been changed in order to secure the safety and integrity of this blog page)
A dear friend of mine, who used to be a member of Flickr, ended up deleting his account a while back, because he had become a victim of cyber-bullying.
JJ, the perpetrater, and his accomplice, SS, took great extremes to ridicule and mock Bob from everything ranging from his religious status, to his faulty English. When things got so bad that Bob eventually lashed back, JJ had posted the very last email that he had received from Vincent in the Christianity Discussion Group, and claimed that Bob was the one who was doing the cyber-bullying, and slandered his name there.
Upon doing some detective work, I finally found out the truth and brought it to light. You might want to read what I posted in the Christianity Discussion Group before I left:
"I have been thinking long and hard about what I wish to write here, but I can no longer withold from this group what I already know, what I have just recently discovered, and while I can personally roll taunts towards me off my shoulder, I simply CANNOT stand and watch innocent people suffer while their names are being slandered with false accusations. The current admin might probably delete this thread and kick me out of the group for exposing this, but I don't care, because copies of this will be circulating in all other groups I am a member of (with the admins' permission), and I will be quitting this group before anybody does anything to me anyway.
"You will remember that three weeks ago, a certain JJ had attempted to reveal to us the “truth” about Bob. JJ would have us think that he is the “victim”, that he is the one who is being abused by Bob. Recent evidence that I have collected have revealed otherwise. What JJ has deliberately failed to tell everybody in the group is what HE has done to drive Bob to this level. I intend on bringing this to light, based on evidence that I have gathered both from JJ and from Bob himself.
"Upon reading about Bob's latest email that was posted in this group, I took it really hard. I simply did not want to believe that Bob was a cyber-bully who liked to play pranks on other people. So I decided to investigate as to what would have driven Bob to write such a thing and why he did it. I decided to email JJ personally, asking further about his dealings with Vincent, so that I could get a better picture of Bob's AND JJ's motivations. JJ was only too eager to supply me with information, provided that I didn't tell anybody (especially Bob) what I was up to. He ended up sending me various emails during the course of the three weeks since we were in touch, providing me with other “aliases” that Bob had supposedly set up, along with previous posts that he had sent on Flickr, as well as one about Bob's syntax and grammatical errors (well, English IS his second language after all). Some of the information he sent was useful, but a LOT of it was not, and upon asking JJ if he had any other abusive emails received from Vincent on hand, he replied by saying he did not have them any more. The only email he had saved was the latest one posted in this group thread.
"Meanwhile, I had contacted Bob's brother Bill, and asked how Vincent was doing. Bill replied back in an email, saying Bob was OK, and why did I ask? I explained (without mentioning anybody's name) of my findings, which was why I asked if Bob was OK, as I was concerned for him. Bill ended up getting in contact with Bob and Bob was able to work out for himself who it was that sent that post, to which he sent me most of the correspondance (around 24 emails in total), in order to explain to me his side of the story. What I read shocked me to the very core.
"You will remember that Bob used to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon church). At the time he joined Flickr, Bob was still very new in his faith, and showed a keen interest in learning not only what the church taught, but what the opinion of other Christians were. JJ, upon hearing that Bob was a Mormon, had begun to criticize Bob's new found belief, and starting challenging his faith with emails such as the one dated on 8 December 2008:
“Dear Bob.
Even after two invitations to do so we have not yet been able to read your testimony as to your salvation. This is rather unusual especially seeing that you said that you are a "new convert" as usually a new Christian wants to tell everyone about Jesus and how He saved them from sin.
We feel that the reasons you cannot tell us your testimony, giving all honour and glory to Christ Jesus is either that you are still a Muslim following allah who is not God or if you are in fact a Mormon you cannot give full glory to Jesus as the "jesus" of the Mormons is just a created being and the brother of the devil.
Therefore the Mormon jesus cannot be given any honour and just like a Jehovah`s Witness all you could do is write something giving credit to a sinful man-made organization or forward some material that the sinful elder provides.
In any respect a testimony honouring the True God is not possible from either a Muslim or a Mormon.
"And earlier on 10 October 2008:
As it seems you cannot answer the question nor write your own replies, this last reply was not written by you, it is pointless to continue debate with you. If God is who he says He is, if Jesus is His Son and the same as God, and the Holy Spirit is also the same as God then you and the Mormon faith stand condemned and you WILL hear the words "I never knew you." when you meet the same Jesus whom you deny and mock.
Either you are correct or God is correct.
Having done all I need to do there will be no need to contact me any more, take it up with God or your elder.
"Bob tried his best to explain why he chose to join the church, often providing JJ with quotes from the official church website ( to try and explain his feelings, (again, pointing out that English is his second language, and was unable to express himself as he would have liked). He was attacked for copying those quotes and for his lack of ability to express what he wanted to say:
You did not write ONE WORD of that nonsense, all you did was simply copy some pre-written rubbish from one of your Mormon cult books or you forwarded our e-mail onto one of your elders to answer it for you. That is insulting to both you and us.
We do not want to hear from any of the elders, they are going to Hell because they knowingly lead people into sin and error, do NOT allow them to drag you down to hell with them. (3 October 2008)
"He was even at one staged accused of getting the missionaries to write all of the emails for him, to which Bob only responded:
I never turn you to the elder for the disclose because the mormon elders can not use the internet for e mailing and mobile ,they have strict rules.this shows that you are totally lack knowledge of mormonism. (3 October 2008)
"To make matters worse, JJ decided to get another friend to help him with the bible-bashing. A man named SS then proceeded to send Vincent nasty emails, such as:
now you are Jesus?
That is blasphemy in either your phony religion or in one that does believe in Jesus as savior.
Go to hell.
SS (13 October 2008)
I have attacked your blasphemous false religion, not you personally. Get a life, fool.(14 October 2008)
"Meanwhile, all of this was starting to get to Bob, and he was starting to doubt whether or not the things he had a testimony of were true, so he asked these people fervently for help:
If you think I am wrong please show where I am wrong and please preach to me! You should convince me rather than condemning me.... (3 October 2008)
"But instead of preaching to him, like he so fervently asked, the taunts and bullying continued, escalating from mocking his beliefs, to making fun of his English and general name-calling:
Even though your miniscule intellect is just the same at least your spelling ability is slightly better.
My God has defeated your "god" and you are the fool for following the loser, you will go to hell because of your stupidity so get used to it. - JJ, 16 Feb 2009
I've been watching you. Why don't you just climb down a manhole and pull the cover in after you?
SS (17 Feb 2009)
"And JJ's latest insult:
And you are just a silly sinful spoilt little squinty-eyed brat, go and play in your piles of shit and fish guts.
Screw you, you can all go to hell.
This will be the last message I will see from you as we have asked the mail server to delete any further shit from you and to bounce back your crap.
Don`t eat too many dogs. Nice knowing you, loser. We are turning you over to Satan as the Scripture says to do.
When you learn to speak properly and communicate effectively with people who are intelligent way above your comprehension then we may show you some courtesy, an attribute you clearly do not possess,
You are silly and boring, we had fun letting you make a fool of yourself but now it is boring. Go and kiss your buffalo. (17 Feb 2009)
"When all of these pressures got too much for Bob, he obviously snapped and, as you can see, without thinking, wrote that email back in response to these taunts and insults.
"Now – before ANY of you make any further judgements on Bob's actions, I must ask you..... CAN YOU BLAME HIM?! Is it any wonder that he chose to close down his account on his own accord, because of JJ's and SS's actions?! Can anybody in this group cast the first stone at Bob for writing this email to JJ, knowing now what had brought him to this stage?... The last thing Bob needed to become was a victim of cyber bullying, which is essentially what JJ and SS have done. Not only that, Bob's faith in God has been shaken so much because of these two people's actions that he no longer trusts or believes in God, and doesn't know whether to have a faith in anyone or anything now.
"So congratulations, JJ. You have successfully turned someone away from believing and worshipping in God. Things might have turned out better for you, had you had kept all of your correspondance with Vincent to back your side up, but I'm afraid you didn't wish to share it anyway, because you knew all along that you really had nothing against Bob to convict him. And although I cannot prove it now, I know those other “aliases” had to have been created by you somehow. This I will discover in time.
"Congratulations, SS. You have successfully brought someone down to the level where they have very little or no self-esteem left at all.
"I hope you are both really proud of yourselves.
"As far as my future with the Christianity Discussion Group is concerned: I cannot say this about the majority of the members who have joined (many of you have since become good friends of mine), but for the very few of you who enjoy spreading contention in our discussion threads and mocking other Christians for their beliefs, I have to say that I can no longer be a part of such a group that can tolerate such behaviour. It is for this reason, apart from the main reason that I have discussed in this thread, that I am now quitting the Christianity Group. Please do no try and invite me back, as I will only ignore your requests.
"I hope that one day peace can be restored to this group.
From was_bedeutet_jemanden
"P.S. What I find ironic about the whole sad story is that I, myself, am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, a Mormon. I had thought that would have been evident by looking through my photostream. Why did you treat me with the upmost decency JJ, when you couldn't have done the same to someone else who was of the same faith as me?...."
Cyber-bullying is not on. If you feel you have been a victim of cyber-bullying, either on Flickr or an any other website, you CAN do something about it! Talk to the admins, block the person who is cyber-bullying you, do whatever it takes to stop it, because you have a right to surf the net without having these sort of people hurting you...
( Click here to read Part 2)
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